Utility functions to make using and interacting with Speculoos nicer.
Constructive functions create conforming data or specifications, e.g., synthesizing valid data when given a specification.
“Destructive” functions return new versions of data and/or specification with non-conforming datums or un-satisfied predicates altered or removed so that validation fully succeeds, e.g., replacing all invalid pairs with
.All data structures remain immutable. These functions are only “destructive” in the sense that if you forward the new version of data and/or specification, the recipient will have lost some information.
Reporting functions highlight some aspect of a data set or specification, e.g., returning non-predicates within a specification.
Helper functions decrease keypresses, e.g., get fourth element of a sequence.
(=1st s)
(=2nd s)
(=3rd s)
(=4th s)
(=5th s)
(=6th s)
(=7th s)
(=8th s)
(=9th s)
(=10th s)
(=11th s)
(=12th s)
Convenience functions to access elements of a sequence s
. Uses one-based indexing by default.
(=1st [:one :two :three]) ;; => :one
(=2nd [:one :two :three]) ;; => :two
(=3rd [:one :two :three]) ;; => :three
(=2nd (list 'foo 'bar 'baz)) ;; => bar
Re-bind *ordinal-offset* for zero-based indexing.
(binding [*ordinal-offset* 0]
(=1st [:one :two :three])) ;; => :two
(all-specs-okay spec)
Returns true
if all entries in specification spec
are a function. Otherwise, returns all-paths entries {:path _ :element _}
to non-functions. See non-predicates for limitations.
(all-specs-okay [int? keyword? ratio?]) ;; => true
(all-specs-okay [int? keyword? 9.87]) ;; => ({:path [2], :value 9.87})
(apathetic data spec)
Return a scalar specification spec
for which any specification predicate which returns invalid, is transmorgrified to any?
(apathetic [42 :foo 22/7] [int? symbol? ratio?]) ;; => [int? any? ratio?]
(apathetic {:a 42 :b 'foo} {:a int? :b keyword?}) ;; => {:a int?, :b any?}
(basic-collection-spec-from-data data)
Given data
, a heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested collection, returns a similar structure that can serve as basic collection specification. Non-terminating sequences are clamped to length 3
and converted to vectors.
Note: Speculoos validates maps with predicates at keys which do not exist in data
, so a pseudo-qualified key :speculoos.utility/collection-predicate
is created that is applied by validate-collections.
(basic-collection-spec-from-data [42 [:foo [22/7]]])
;; => [[[vector?] vector] vector?]
(basic-collection-spec-from-data {:a 42 :b {:c ['foo true]}})
;; => {:b {:c [vector?], :speculoos.utility/collection-predicate map?},
;; :speculoos.utility/collection-predicate map?}
(basic-collection-spec-from-data [42 #{:foo} (list 22/7) (range)])
;; => [#{set?} (list?) [vector] vector]
(clamp-every coll x)
Given a heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested collection coll
, ‘clamp’ every (possibly) non-terminating sequence at length x
. Sequences are converted to vectors. See clamp-in* for particulars on behavior.
(clamp-every [42 (range) 99 (repeat :foo) 33] 3)
;; => [42 [0 1 2] 99 [:foo :foo :foo] 33]
(clamp-every {:a (cycle ['foo 'bar 'baz]) :b (iterate inc 100)} 5)
;; => {:a [foo bar baz foo bar], :b [100 101 102 103 104]}
(clamp-in* coll path x)
Given a heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested collection coll
, ‘clamp’ (possibly) non-terminating sequence at path
to length x
. Sequences are converted to vectors.
Beware: Behaves like take
, so will also possibly shorten vectors, lists, sets, and maps if located at path
(clamp-in* [:foo (range) 'bar] [1] 3)
;; => [:foo [0 1 2] bar]
(clamp-in* {:a [42 'foo {:b (cycle [:x :y :z])}]} [:a 2 :b] 5)
;; => {:a [42 foo {:b [:x :y :z :x :y]}]}
;; does not discriminate; operates on terminating sequences, too
(clamp-in* [:foo 42 [:x :y :z :a :b :c]] [2] 4)
;; => [:foo 42 [:x :y :z :a]]
;; sequences that are shorter than `x` are unchanged
(clamp-in* {:a (take 3 (range))} [:a] 6)
;; => {:a [0 1 2]}
(collections-without-predicates data spec)
Given data
a heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested data structure, returns a set of data
’s all-paths elements for collections which lack at least one corresponding predicate in collection specification spec
. See also scalars-without-predicates and scalars-with-predicates.
;; all collections have a corresponding collection predicate; returns an empty set
(collections-without-predicates [11 [22] 33] [vector? [vector?]])
;; => #{}
;; missing predicate(s)
(collections-without-predicates [11 [22] 33] [vector? []])
;; => #{{:path [1], :value [22]}}
(collections-without-predicates {:a [11 {:b (list 22 33)}]} {:a [vector? {:is-a-map? map?}]})
;; => #{{:path [:a 1 :b], :value (22 33)}
;; {:path [], :value {:a [11 {:b (22 33)}]}}}
(collections-without-predicates [11 [22] 33 (cycle [44 55 66])] [vector? [vector?]])
;; => #{{:path [3], :value []}}
(data-from-spec spec)
(data-from-spec spec opt)
Given heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested scalar specification spec
, create a sample data structure whose values validate to that specification. Works for singular, clojure.core predicates, e.g., int?
, string?
, or for #(and (int? %) (< 5 %))
with generators at metadata key :speculoos/predicate->generator
. Unknown predicates yield nil
. Defaults to canonical values, i.e., 'abc'
for string?
Optional trailing arg :random
uses clojure.test.check
generators when available. Trailing arg :canonical
(default) uses lookup table to supply aesthetic values, i.e., 42
for int?
Sets are assumed to be a predicate. :canonical
uses whatever clojure.core/first
returns (consider a sorted set with the first element an exemplar); :random
yields a random selection from the set.
Bare regular expressions yield random strings that match.
;; default canonical datums
(data-from-spec [int? keyword? ratio?]) ;; => [42 :kw 22/7]
(data-from-spec {:a symbol? :b decimal?}) ;; => {:a speculoos/canonical-symbol, :b 1M}
;; optional random values
(data-from-spec [int? [keyword? [ratio?]]] :random) ;; => [-715 [:! [15/2]]]
(data-from-spec {:a symbol? :b {:c boolean? :d pos-int?}} :random) ;; => {:a x2_qV/x, :b {:c true, :d 26}}
;; set as a predicate, defaults to (first #{...})
(data-from-spec [int? #{:red :green :blue} ratio?]) ;; => [42 :green 22/7]
;; set as a predicate, optional random selection
(data-from-spec [int? #{:red :green :blue} ratio?] :random) ;; => [-208 :red 7/2]
;; regular expression as a predicate
(data-from-spec [#"Q\d{3}Y\d{1,2}" #"foo[2468]"])
;; => ["Q690Y61" "foo6"]
If the metadata of a non-set, non-regex predicate contains either key :speculoos/predicate->generator
or key :speculoos/canonical-sample
, the associated value is presumed to be a competent generator or canonical sample, respectively, and will be preferred. See validate-predicate->generator.
Note: Presence of either metadata key implies that a default generator will not be found in the lookup table, and therefore requires a customized generator for invoking with the :random
option. But it also implies that a canonical value will also not be located, and therefore requires a custom canonical value, which is referenced when explicitly invoked with :canonical
, but also the default, no-option invocation.
;; as is, Speculoos cannot generate a sample datum from this predicate
(def opaque-predicate (fn [x] (and (int? x) (pos? x) (< x 99))))
;; Speculoos can however retrieve a generator at metadata key :speculoos/predicate->generator
(data-from-spec {:a string? :b (with-meta opaque-predicate {:speculoos/predicate->generator #(rand-int 100)})} :random)
;; => {:a "Q56BPs2ownU08ExMOy3yVD37M6Q", :b 15}
;; predicates not found in the lookup table must explicitly provide a canonical value when invoking without `opt`
(data-from-spec [ratio? (with-meta int? {:speculoos/canonical-sample 987654321})])
;; => [22/7 987654321]
See defpred for a helper to set up a predicate with a generator.
(defpred f4 int? #(rand-int 99)) ;; optional canonical value not supplied
(defpred f5 number? #(rand 999) 1.234)
(data-from-spec {:a f4 :b [f5]} :random)
;; => {:a 31, :b [147.28249222486664]}
(data-from-spec {:a f4 :b [f5]} :canonical)
;; => {:a :f4-canonical-sample, :b [1.234]}
(defpred predname f)
(defpred predname f generator)
(defpred predname f generator canonical)
define a predicate by binding symbol predname
to function f
while associating a random sample generator.
- With only a name
and functionf
will attempt to create a random sample generator as outlined by inspect-fn. - An explicitly supplied
will be preferred. - If
is explicitly provided, a canonical value may also be supplied. If the optional canonical value is not supplied, a keyword is automatically generated using the symbolpredname
appended with-canonical-sample
Useful for defining predicates consumed by data-from-spec, exercise, and friends.
is bound to an integer (default 50
) that governs the number of attempts the random sample generator will make to create a valid sample.
Note: Can not use bare predicates such as int?
; they must be ‘wrapped’, like #(int? %)
. See examples.
(macroexpand-1 '(defpred foo (fn [i] (int? i)) (fn [] (rand-int 99)) 42))
;; => (def foo (clojure.core/with-meta (fn [i] (int? i)) #:speculoos{:canonical-sample 42, :predicate->generator (fn [] (rand-int 99))}))
(defpred f1 #(<= % 99) #(rand-int 99) 42)
(defpred f2 #(<= % 5) #(- (rand-int 99))) ;; no canonical value supplied
(defpred f3 #(> % 999) #(rand 999) 1.23)
(data-from-spec [f1 f2 f3] :random)
;; => [86 -77 971.3462532541377]
(data-from-spec [f1 f2 f3] :canonical)
;; => [42 :f2-canonical-sample 1.23]
;; using (and...) to modify a core predicate
(defpred even-int? #(and (int? %) (even? %) (< 3 %)))
(data-from-spec [even-int? even-int? even-int? even-int?] :random)
;; => [14 24 16 30]
;; using (or...) to generate alternatives
(defpred int-or-kw? #(or (int? %) (keyword? %)))
(data-from-spec [int-or-kw? int-or-kw? int-or-kw? int-or-kw?] :random)
;; => [:J0+ -25 22 :o_6W.l:?]
;; using both (and...) and (or...)
(defpred odd-int-or-short-kw? (fn [x] (or (and (int? x)
(odd? x))
(and (keyword? x)
(>= 3 (count (str x)))))))
(data-from-spec [odd-int-or-short-kw?
odd-int-or-short-kw?] :random)
;; => [:Y9.c :i. -3 :xxk]
(exercise spec)
(exercise spec n)
Generates a number n
(default 10) of values compatible with scalar specification spec
and maps valid-scalars? over them, returning a sequence of [val valid?]
If n
is :canonical
, only one data set is produced, consisting of the predicates’ canonical values.
See data-from-spec for details on predicates.
Examples, passing optional count n
for brevity:
(exercise [int? [keyword? ratio?] char?] 3)
;; => ([[-282 [:_1z9L -17/21] \G] true]
;; [[ 469 [:c*2y -7/11] \9 true]
;; [[-293 [:*C -3/7 ] \i] true])
(exercise {:a symbol? :b [pos-int? decimal? char?]} 3)
;; => ([{:a U8D_/gs+H, :b [17 1M \Z]} true]
;; [{:a b-187+/Xv, :b [27 1M \3]} true]
;; [{:a ?l4zv/Y.Ro!, :b [22 1M \G]} true])
Example with canonical values:
(exercise [int? char? ratio? string? double?] :canonical)
;; => ([[42 \c 22/7 "abc" 1.0E32] true])
(in? coll item)
Returns true
if item
is found somewhere in collection coll
. This utility function is a replacement for what the name clojure.core/contains?
suggests it might do. Works on all collection types, but map elements are checked as MapEntry
key-value pairs. Pass (vals m)
if you want to only check values. Properly handles nil
and false
;; `contains?` tests for existence of a sequence's index, not its values
(contains? [:a :b :c] 1) ;; => true
;; `in?` tests for existence of a sequence's values
(in? [:a :b :c] 1) ;; => false
(in? [:a :b :c] :b) ;; true
(in? (list 'foo 'bar 'baz) 'foo) ;; => true
(in? #{:red :green :blue} :green) ;; => true
(in? (range) 3) ;; => true
;; elements of a map are tested as MapEntries
(in? {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} 3) ;; => false
;; passing just the vals of a map
(in? (vals {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}) 3) ;; => true
;; testing existence of a MapEntry
(in? {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} [:c 3]) ;; => true
;; nil presence
(in? [42 nil 22/7] nil) ;; => true
;; false presence
(in? (vals {:a 42 :b false}) false) ;; => true
(inspect-fn f)
Inspect expression f
to attempt to create a random sample generator. If unable to do so, returns nil
. f
must be of the form (fn [...] ...)
or #(...)
. Returns a vector whose first element is the symbolic representation of the generator and whose second element is an invocable generator object.
This implementation is a proof-of-concept that only descends to a maximum depth of two levels. It does not generically handle arbitrary nesting depths nor all possible Clojure data types
The predicate body must fulfill these properties:
- The first symbol must be
, or a basic predicate for a Clojure built-in scalar, such asint?
that is registered atspeculoos.utility/predicate->generator
. - The first clause after
must contain aclojure.core
predicate for a scalar, such asint?
. - Subsequent clauses of
will be injected into aclojure.test.check.generators/such-that
filter. - Direct descendants of a top-level
will producen
separate random sample generators, each with1/n
probability for any one invocation.
(inspect-fn '(fn [i] (int? i)))
(inspect-fn '(fn [i] (and (int? i) (even? i))))
(inspect-fn '#(int? %))
(inspect-fn '#(and (int? %) (even? %)))
(inspect-fn '(fn [x] (or (int? x) (ratio? x))))
(inspect-fn '#(or (and (int? %) (odd? %))
(and (string? %) (<= 3 (count %)))))
(non-predicates spec)
Returns all-paths entries {:path _ :value _}
for all elements in specification spec
that are not functions.
This function name is possibly mis-leading: It tests only fn?
, not if the function is a competent predicate. Sets are flagged as ‘non-predicates’.
(non-predicates [int? 42 decimal?]) ;; => ({:path [1], :value 42})
(non-predicates {:a int? :b 'foo}) ;; => ({:path [:b], :value foo})
Sets may serve as a membership predicate for a scalar specification, but are flagged as ‘non-predicates’.
;; `validate-scalars` considers #{:red} as a predicate-like thing, but ...
;; ... `non-predicates` is unable to distinguish without data to accompany spec
(non-predicates [int? #{:red} ratio?]) ;; => ({:path [1 :red], :value :red})
(predicates-without-collections data spec)
Given data
at heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested data structure and a collection specification spec
, returns a set of all-paths elements for predicates in spec
which cannnot be paired with a collection element in data
. See also collections-without-predicates, scalars-without-predicates, and predicates-without-scalars.
;; all predicates are paired
(predicates-without-collections [42] [vector?])
;; => #{}
;; one un-paired predicate
(predicates-without-collections [42] [vector? [map?]])
;; => #{{:path [1 0], :value map?}}
;; one un-paired predicate
(predicates-without-collections {:a 42} {:is-map? map? :b [vector?]})
;; => #{{:path [:b 0], :value vector?}}
;; one un-paired predicate <-- collection validation only applies predicates to non-scalars
(predicates-without-collections {:a 42 :b 99} {:is-map? map? :b [vector?]})
;; => #{{:path [:b 0], :value vector?}}
(predicates-without-scalars data spec)
Returns only scalar specification spec
elements which lack a corresponding element in data
(predicates-without-scalars [42 :foo] [int? keyword? ratio?]) ;; => ({:path [2], :value ratio?})
(predicates-without-scalars {:a 42} {:a int? :b symbol?}) ;; => ({:path [:b], :value symbol?})
(scalars-with-predicates data spec)
Returns data
all-paths scalar elements which have a corresponding predicate in scalar specification spec
. See also scalars-without-predicates and collections-without-predicates.
(scalars-with-predicates [42 :foo 22/7] [int?]) ;; => ({:path [0], :value 42})
(scalars-with-predicates {:a 42 :b 'foo} {:a int?}) ;; => ({:path [:a], :value 42})
(scalars-without-predicates data spec)
Returns a set of data
all-paths scalar elements which lack corresponding predicates in scalar specification spec
. See also scalars-with-predicates and collections-without-predicates.
(scalars-without-predicates [42 :foo 22/7] [int? keyword?]) ;; => #{{:path [2], :value 22/7}}
(scalars-without-predicates {:a 42 :b 'foo} {:a int?}) ;; => #{{:path [:b], :value foo}}
(seq-regex s & pred-regexes)
Returns true
if sequence s
fully satisfies pred-regex
, pairs of predicates and regex-like operators. Predicates partition the sequence, regex operators check the quantity, according to the following.
zero-or-more[m n]
(integers), inclusivei
(seq-regex [1 2 3 :a :b 'foo] int? :* keyword? :+ symbol? :.) ;; => true
Tests zero-or-more integers, followed by one-or-more keywords, followed by exactly-one symbol.
You must supply predicate and regexes to exhaust the sequence, otherwise returns false
. If you don’t care about entities beyond a particular index, use the duplet any? :*
(seq-regex [1 2 :a :b true false] int? 2 keyword? [1 3] any? :*) ;; => true
Tests exactly two integers, followed by one to three keywords, followed by any number of anything.
Failing example:
(seq-regex [1 2 :a :b] int? 2) ;; => false
Tests exactly two integers; example fails because trailing keywords are not matched.
Any unused pred-regex pairs are ignored.
(seq-regex [1 2 3] int? 3 keyword? 3) ;; => true
If your first regex is zero-or-more :*
, then it will match an empty sequence, regardless of any trailing pred-regex pairs.
(seq-regex [] int? :* keyword :+) ;; => true
Do not stack the one-or-more :.
regex operator in an attempt to get an integer >1
(seq-regex [1 2 3] int? :. int? :. int? :.) ;; => false
Instead, use the exactly-integer or the range ops.
(seq-regex [1 2 3] int? 3) ;; => true
(seq-regex [1 2 3] int? [1 4]) ;; => true
Predicates must be specific enough so that they aren’t consumed further than you intend. This is treacherous when, e.g., converting to string. Here’s possibly surprising failing example:
(seq-regex [:a :b :c 'fo 'br 'bz] #(= 2 (count (str %))) 3 symbol? 3)
;; => false
, 'br
, and 'bz
all satisfy length=2
when converted to string, leaving symbol?
no values to test. Instead, insert a guarding predicate.
(seq-regex [:a :b :c 'fo 'br 'bz] #(and (keyword? %)
(= 2 (count (str %)))) 3 symbol? 3)
;; => true
(sore-thumb data spec)
(sore-thumb data spec replacement)
Prints *out*
a version of data
and spec
that highlights where the datums+predicates invalidate. Non-invalids (i.e., datums that satisfy their own predicates) are de-emphasized with replacement
, defaulting to '_
is also kinda nice.
;; default replacement '_
(with-out-str (sore-thumb [42 :foo 22/7] [int? symbol? ratio?]))
;; printed to *out*: data: [_ :foo _] spec: [_ symbol? _]
;; optional replacement '…
(with-out-str (sore-thumb {:a 42 :b 'foo :c 22/7} {:a int? :b keyword? :c ratio?} '…))
;; printed to *out*: data: {:a …, :b foo, :c …} spec: {:a …, :b keyword?, :c …}
(spec-from-data data)
(spec-from-data data clamp-at)
Given heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested collection data
, create a scalar specification whose predicates validate. Non-terminating sequences are clamped at clamp-at
, defaults to 7.
(spec-from-data [42 [:foo] 22/7]) ;; => [int? [keyword?] ratio?]
(spec-from-data {:a 42 :b {:c 'foo :d 22/7}}) ;; => {:a int?, :b {:c symbol?, :d ratio?}}
;; non-terminating data sequence, optional clamp-at supplied
(spec-from-data [:foo (cycle [42 22/7 'baz])] 5) ;; => [keyword? [int? ratio? symbol? int? ratio?]]
(swap-non-predicates spec)
(swap-non-predicates spec pred)
Returns a new scalar specification spec
with all non-predicate elements swapped for any?
(default) or optional supplied predicate pred
;; default predicate replacement
(swap-non-predicates [int? 99 ratio?]) ;; => [int? any? ratio?]
;; non-default predicate replacement
(swap-non-predicates {:a int? :b 99 :c 'foo} number?) ;; => {:a int?, :b number?, :c number?}
(thoroughly-valid-collections? data spec)
Given a heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested data structure data
and collection specification spec
, returns true
if every collection contained in data
has a corresponding predicate in spec
, and every collection satisfies its predicate.
See valid-collections?, collections-without-predicates, and thoroughly-valid?.
;; all collections have satisfied predicates
(thoroughly-valid-collections? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [vector? {:is-map? map?}])
;; => true
;; all collections have predicates, but not all satisfied
(thoroughly-valid-collections? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [list? {:is-map? map?}])
;; => false
;; all predicates satisfied, but one collection is missing a predicate
(thoroughly-valid-collections? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [{:is-map? map?}])
;; => false
(thoroughly-valid-scalars? data spec)
Given a heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested data structure data
and scalar specification spec
, returns true
if every scalar contained in data
has a corresponding predicate in spec
, and every scalar satisfies its predicate.
See valid-scalars?, scalars-without-predicates, and thoroughly-valid?.
;; all scalars have satisfied predicates
(thoroughly-valid-scalars? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [int? {:x ratio? :y symbol?}])
;; => true
;; all scalars have predicates, but not all satisfied
(thoroughly-valid-scalars? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [char? {:x ratio? :y symbol?}])
;; => false
;; all predicates satisfied, but one scalar is missing a predicate
(thoroughly-valid-scalars? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [int? {:x ratio?}])
;; => false
(thoroughly-valid? data scalar-spec collection-spec)
Given a heterogeneous, arbitrarily-nested data structure data
, returns true
if every scalar in data
has a predicate in scalar-spec
and every collection has at least one predicate in collection-spec
, and all predicates are satisfied.
See valid?, scalars-without-predicates, and collections-without-predicates.
;; all scalars and colls have satisfied predicates
(thoroughly-valid? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [int? {:x ratio? :y symbol?}] [vector? {:is-map? map?}])
;; => true
;; all scalars and colls have predicates, but not all satisfied
(thoroughly-valid? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [char? {:x ratio? :y symbol?}] [vector? {:is-map? map?}])
;; => false
;; all predicates satisfied, but one scalar is missing a predicate
(thoroughly-valid? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [int? {:x ratio?}] [vector? {:is-map? map?}])
;; => false
;; all predicates satisfied, but one coll is missing a predicate
(thoroughly-valid? [11 {:x 22/7 :y 'foo}] [int? {:x ratio? :y symbol?}] [{:is-map? map?}])
;; => false
(unfindable-generators spec)
Given scalar specification spec
, check that a random sample generator can be located for each predicate-like thing within spec
. Returns a sequence of any thingy that does not, and a path to its location within spec
- Many basic predicates such as
, etc., are provided byclojure.test.check.generators
. - Sets and regular expressions are competent generators.
- Compound predicates such as
#(and (number? %) (< % 99))
may be explicitly supplied with a custom generator located within its metadata map at key:speculoos/predicate->generator
Note: Being able to locate a random sample generator does not imply that it works properly.
;; all good generators
(unfindable-generators [int? #{:red :green :blue} #"foo" (with-meta #(int? %) {:speculoos/predicate->generator #(rand-int 99)})])
;; => []
;; all bad generators
(unfindable-generators {:no-meta-data #(int? %)
:no-generator +
:improper-key (with-meta #(int? %) {:speculoos/oops #(rand-int 99)})})
;; => [{:path [:no-meta-data], :value #fn--34610]}
;; {:path [:no-generator], :value clojure.core/+}
;; {:path [:improper-key], :value #function[clojure.lang.AFunction/1]]}]
(validate-predicate->generator f)
(validate-predicate->generator f n)
Repeatedly invoke predicate function f
, with sample arguments produced by generator located at key :speculoos/predicate->generator
in the function metadata. n
invocations (default 7
). Returns a sequence of vectors containing the generated value and the result of the validation.
Useful for checking manually-injected generators consulted by data-from-spec.
;; basic integer predicate and generator
(validate-predicate->generator (with-meta #(int? %) {:speculoos/predicate->generator #(rand-int 99)}))
;; => ([64 true] [84 true] [21 true] [74 true] [88 true] [13 true] [33 true])
;; compound integer predicate with compound integer generator
(require '[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen])
;; positive, even integers, less than one hundred; warm up generator by 25 calls and peeling off last
(def gen-1 #(last (gen/sample (gen/such-that even? (gen/large-integer* {:min 0 :max 99})) 25)))
(validate-predicate->generator (with-meta #(and (int? %) (pos? %) (even? %) (< % 100)) {:speculoos/predicate->generator gen-1}))
;; => ([72 true] [52 true] [2 true] [82 true] [64 true] [56 true] [10 true])
;; same thing, but intentionally wrong generator that produces odd integers
(def incorrect-gen-1 #(last (gen/sample (gen/such-that odd? (gen/large-integer* {:min 0 :max 99})) 25)))
(validate-predicate->generator (with-meta #(and (int? %) (pos? %) (even? %) (< % 100)) {:speculoos/predicate->generator incorrect-gen-1}))
;; => ([61 false] [57 false] [3 false] [97 false] [53 false] [77 false] [63 false])
;; validating regular expression generator: capital Z, followed by one to three digits, followed by a, b, or c
(def re-spec #"Z\d{1,3}[abc]")
;; re-rand generates random strings that satisfy a given regex [https://github.com/weavejester/re-rand]
(require '[re-rand :refer [re-rand]])
(validate-predicate->generator (with-meta #(boolean (re-matches re-spec %)) {:speculoos/predicate->generator #(re-rand re-spec)}))
;; (["Z919b" true] ["Z99b" true] ["Z5a" true] ["Z210a" true] ["Z711c" true] ["Z319a" true] ["Z81c" true])